Sunday, September 17, 2017

Diet Going Good, Blogging Not So Much.

Tomorrow will be two weeks since I started my new fat-free vegetable-based diet.  I have not been good at keeping up with the blog, but the diet is going well.   I have not been 100% perfect, but my infractions have been few and far berween.

My absolute worst night was when the family got Little Caesar's I had a melt down and ate a piece of incredibly oily cheesy bread.   I also had a couple of other times where I fudged my own rules on a smaller scale, but I'm taking the good with the bad, and I consider it to be a good sign that each of these infractions stand out to me as one-offs.  In the past I would have eaten my own box of cheesy bread.  Instead, I had one piece and then felt really gross afterwards.  It's all progress.

I do regret not weighing myself before starting this diet.  Although I want it to be about my health and not a number on a scale, I can tell that I've lost a little and I admit it would be nice to know how much.   If I had to guess, I'd say about five pounds, but I just don't know. There's not much visible change, but I wouldn't expect there to be this early in the game.  I do FEEL a lot better already, so that's something.

Last Update:  tomorrow night I'm going to try Bikram Yoga for the first time.  Yes, that's the one in the hot room.   I will write a lot more about my reasons for this particular choice tomorrow.  In the mean time, I'll just say that the heat and sweat does not scare me at all.  Well, OK, I fear the smell a bit.  But I think I will love the heat.  I love saunas and steam rooms and hot tubs.  I am always cold.   If I lived alone I would rarely use air conditioning.   It's the yoga itself that scares me.  I fully expect to be unable to do most of it.  But that's OK.  Right now my goal is just to stay in the room.  I will sit in the back and do my best and maybe the rest will come in time.  And if I'm the only fat person there, so be it.  I refuse to be embarassed.  

A journey of a thousand miles, yadda yadda.
More to come tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. As with anything else, start small. I started Pilates and I swear I was so awkward and clumsy, I felt like quitting. But I did get better eventually. Yoga will make you feel good, too. Congratulations on your progress so far! Don't forget that what you're doing is a "really big deal".
